RWWC was set up to save the biodiversity of the site from soil to plants including trees and all wildlife that relies on them.
A tents-only campsite was the chosen route as it had the least impact on the site whilst offering the greatest connection to healthy, active and eco lifestyle. Pitches were placed into the Edwardian Walled garden and various woodlands including ancient woodland.
All campers have to walk to their chosen site and have water delivered to them. There are composting toilets, recycle bins for a variety of products. There are firebowls and local sustainable wood provided for the fires. There are no utilities in the Woodlands. In the garden there is a Hub, which is an old agricultural shed, with facitilities, showers, kitchen, and shop with local produce.
All our cleaning products are sourced locally and are non toxic as we have a 3 tier willow bed for our waste - it can’t take toxic products. All lights are LED and movement sensitive. The garden itself works on the best gardening practices with no mow areas, planting for pollinators, no dig gardening, 3 bay composting system and fruit and vegetables grown on site to purchase.
From the moment the campers arrive they are immersed in the countryside and all that we do to support them through our green actions. In-depth information can be found on our website about Green awareness, action plan and policy.
As we are strongly connected to everything "trees" we don’t print off information wherever possible and all info packs are now digital to avoid wasting paper and therefore trees.
We are a growing company creating jobs for local people of all ages. We utilise local products and connect with local shops, traders, charities and other businesses.
At Ruberslaw Wild Woods Camping all staff are encouraged to take a pro-environmental attitude. We believe this behaviour is at the root of all we do and the job itself tends to draw people who evidence this lifestyle. We hope that we enable campers to consider how they can protect and preserve their natural resources, which we can do via how they use water, use of plastics and various forms of recycling. We also regularly plant trees.
The staff do not having specific green awareness training or meetings because the whole ethos of the site is sustainability and our green advocacy is embedded in the site. The staff keep connected about everything green via Whastapp and share items they find through their favourite sites with each other, which is often then shared with the wider public through our social media platforms.
We promote energy saving:
• Campers use little energy in their tents and their vehicles are not allowed further than the car park.
• Any lights in the communal hub area are on movement sensors.
• Outdoor lights in the Walled Garden are solar powered and emit low levels of light.
• All forms of recycling are supported for camper waste. This includes plastics, glass, gas bottles amongst some.
• We have a 3 tier willow bed for effluent waste
• We have various forms of composting include kitchen composter
• Any sealed packaged foods left behind are taken to the Salvation Army for recycling
• Where possible we use only recycled, organic and pesticide free paper and plastics in the toilet and wash areas.
Use less water:
• Campers in the woods have access to containers of water - which encourages reduced usage.
• Thunder boxes for toilet facilities have no flush mechanism but rely on sawdust
Go Paperless:
• We encourage paperless check - in
• Information updates, policies etc are all online
• We encourage electronic payment
We sell sustainable shopping bags, stainless steel water bottles and various items of clothing made from recycled materials.
Educate staff and campers about environmental issues
At RWWC we believe that we reduce energy consumption, conserve water, minimise waste, use renewable sources and encourage our campers to be aware of these issues as well through living part of their lives with us.
Our Green Action Plan promotes healthy, active, environmentally-conscious lifestyles that help the environment in one way or another.
This technology has made it possible to offer the Really Wild pitches and the Woodland Pitches in our Woods and on the Hill. We really did not want to be using the sorts of toxic chemicals that normally go into portable and mobile loos, with their disposal issues and “un-green” manufacture.
Thunderboxes are moveable composting toilets that naturally break down our daily waste (provided no non-biodegradable items like nappies, pads etc are put into them) into a dry earthy material. After 18-24 months this is ready to be mixed into our existing 3-bay composting system that prepares our grass cuttings, stable straw etc for use in gardens.
The Thunderbox system requires that a minimum of liquids are put into the composting chamber, so they are designed to separate the urine from the rest. RULES have to be followed to make the system work. These are posted in each cubicle. They are few and simple.
Composting toilets are made by the Thunderbox Collective, Tiverton, Devon, 07949 106332
At the main campsite, sewage is treated in a bio-digestion plant housed underground to produce a clear and safe treated overflow. This is further processed through 1700 square metres of willow bed where the overflow liquids are disposed of through absorption by the willow trees, evaporation and ground percolation. This ensures that no treated or untreated waste reaches any local water course.
The willows will be harvested for wood fuel when appropriate and coppiced or replanted.
Wherever possible Ruberslaw Wild Woods Camping procures products and services that have a reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared to competing products or services that serve the same purpose. We look for environmentally friendly products or sustainable products which are recyclable and beneficial to the environment.
We buy certified eco-friendly cleaners to use in the workspace which avoids the caustic and often toxic chemicals in many conventional store-bought products. We have a 3 tier willow bed which would not be able to function if we kept sending toxic products its way.
Wherever possible we procure locally all products used or sold within our site to reduce environmental impact, including venison from the hill, larder products made locally from local food sources and local eggs.
A Camp Fire is a defining feature of most camping trips, and camp cooking provides its own excitement (and challenges). In order for us to allow campfires and provide gas appliances and candle lanterns we require all campers to be responsible in managing flames and fires.
Please read the following carefully.
A fire will take hold very very quickly in a tent so great care should be taken at all times. The canvas Safari Tents are treated with flame retardant, but other tents made of polyester or nylon based fabrics may not be.
Please be safe – follow the rules:
Always turn off the gas and kerosene appliances, and extinguish any candle lanterns, when going to bed or leaving the tent
Please be safe – follow the rules:
Please remember: The firebowl stays hot long after the fire is out
We rely on you to be responsible so we may continue allowing camp fires.
If an emergency occurs:
We provide equipment for immediate response to an emergency, if you judge it possible and safe to take action without endangering yourself or members of your party.
In the Walled Garden we provide extinguishers, sand buckets and an alarm bell for immediate response and to alert nearby campers.
Tel: 01450 870092
Spital Tower, Denholm, Hawick TD9 8TB
Ruberslaw Wild Woods Camping
Registered in Scotland SC400067
Registration number 405 3715 21
©2021 Ruberslaw Wild Woods Camping